Wake Surfing Informational Meeting

  • 29 Mar 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • East Troy Intergenerational Community Center Door #7 - 2043 Division St - East Troy, WI



Protect Lake Beulah (PLB) and the Lake Beulah Management District (LBMD) invite you to participate in a forum to learn how Wake Surfing is not suited for Lake Beulah.

Recent Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Article:


This will be a 2-hour information session followed by open discussion and questions. 

An expert panel of speakers will discuss the various impacts of wake-enhancement on the lake as well as provide important scientific information and data on specifically how Wake Surfing is damaging the aquatic environment of Lake Beulah. We will also cover the impacts on other lake users and what can be done to protect our lake.  Following the presentations, there will be a one-hour opportunity for attendees to ask questions and provide comments.

There will also be a video station where you can record your testimonial statement on your experiences, feelings or comments on the topic of Wake Surfing.

We hope you will join us for this important session.

Sponsored by:

Protect Lake Beulah (PLB) and the Lake Beulah Management District (LBMD)

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Topic: PLB-LBMD Wake Surfing Meeting

Time: Mar 29, 2025 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


Meeting ID: 847 3475 2544

Passcode: 594627

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